Breastfed kittens should be raised with the right care and affection, because it's your responsibility to provide them with all the nourishment and protection a mother cat can provide during this period. You can follow the steps below for baby cat care: kitten care
Warming: Newborn kittens cannot maintain their own body temperature, so it is important to provide a source of heating. You can use an electric blanket or heating pad, or wrap a hot water bottle in a cloth and place it in the puppy's sleeping area. Take care to keep them comfortable and warm, but avoid overheating.
Nutrition: Newborn kittens need breast milk. If there is no mother, you will need to find a special cat milk (a breast milk substitute). You can obtain this type of milk from your veterinarian or pet shops. Never use cow's milk as it is not suitable for kittens and can cause digestive problems.
Feeding Timing: Newborn kittens usually need feeding every 2-3 hours. You may need to feed them at regular intervals, including at night.
Feeding Method: You can feed baby cats using a milk bottle or a special cat milk bottle. It's also important to use a soft, low-flow bottle tip because their mouths are so small.
Cleaning: The mother licks the bottom of the kittens, so you can clean them if they have defecated in inappropriate places using a wet cotton or wet cloth.
Veterinary Check: It is important to have your baby kittens checked by the vet. The vet will make sure your pup is healthy and will recommend the necessary vaccinations and treatments.
Socialization: For puppies to develop their social skills, it is important to play and take care of them regularly. But be careful not to stress them and their mother.
When to leave: Baby kittens should not be separated from their mothers until they are at least 8 weeks old. During this time, they socialize with their mothers and siblings and learn essential skills in life.
Veterinary Follow-up: As baby kittens grow, you should maintain regular veterinary check-ups. Follow your vet's instructions to vaccinate and protect against internal and external parasites.
Baby cat care requires patience, care and attention. If a mother cat is available, allowing her to raise her kittens in their natural habitat provides the healthiest and happiest outcome. But if there is no mother, you can raise the kittens healthily by following the steps above. Remember, it is always best to contact your veterinarian if you have any health problems or concerns.