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How to Build a Rabbit Cage

If you have a pet rabbit, you will want to take all necessary precautions so that your rabbit is happy and at home with you. These include setting up a cozy cage they'll love. Remember that the cage will be their shelter, so you have to do it right.


Although building a nest for your rabbit is not difficult at all, it can be quite difficult to determine what it actually needs. When you walk into a pet store, you're sure to be greeted with loads of brightly colored packaging trying to entice you to buy more. However, some may not be suitable or necessary for your rabbit.

In this article, we'll cover how to get the right cage for your rabbit and place it so your furry friend has the best possible habitat.

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Get the Right Size Cage

A cage that is too small can restrict your rabbit's movements. It can also lead to boredom and behavior problems. A general rule of thumb is that the cage should be at least four times the size of the rabbit and have enough room for your rabbit to jump, stretch and stand on its hind legs.

The size of the cage also depends on the breed of rabbit you have. The largest breed of rabbit is the Flemish giant. It can weigh up to 10kg. The smallest breed weighs from one to three kg.

Here is the recommended cage size for small and large rabbits


Rabbit Size Recommended Cage Size

Little Rabbits 1.5 m long x 0.6 m wide x 0.6 m high

Large Rabbits 1.85 m long x 0.9 m wide x 0.9 m high

The cage must have a solid floor

Many rabbits have a condition called pododermatitis, which causes pressure sores to form on the back of their hind legs. The sores develop when your rabbit sits on hard ground or damp bedding. If the cage flooring is made of wire mesh, cover it using a piece of plywood. Then cover the plywood with the bed.

There Should Be a Urine Protector at the Bottom of the Cage

A urine guard is a very important feature as it prevents your rabbit's urine from leaking out of the cage and seeping into your floors or furniture. Rabbit cafe

It makes the cleaning of the toilet much easier and therefore hygienic.

If your cage doesn't have a urine guard, you can improvise. Use materials that will not harm your rabbit if he chews it. The best material is cardboard.

The edges of the cage must be made of wire

Wire mesh is the best option for some reason. First of all, it provides excellent ventilation, which is essential for the respiratory health of the rabbit. Wire edges also allow for easy cleaning and maintenance. Urine and feces can pass easily.

6 Essential Tips for Setting Up a Rabbit Cage

1. Find an Ideal Place to Set Up the Cage

An ideal point should include:

Well ventilated: Do not set up a rabbit hutch in the basement or attic. These areas are filled with dirt and dust that can affect your rabbit's sensitive lungs.

Sunlight exposure: Rabbits need sunlight, but this should be indirect sunlight rather than direct sun hitting them.

Noise-free: Rabbits do not like loud noises and fast movements. For example, placing the cage near the clothes dryer can cause undue stress on the rabbit. A spare bedroom would be a smart idea.

Predator protection: Rabbits can be prone to predators such as cats, dogs, foxes, and birds of prey. When setting up her cage, make sure she stays clear of these predators. Also, cats and dogs can cause unnecessary stress for your rabbit. If you have a dog, you can raise the cage off the ground because the dog's sniffing may scare the rabbit.

Spacious: Rabbits should not always be confined to their cages. They need some time outside the cage to exercise. For this reason, it will help to put the cage in an area where you don't have to worry about your rabbit jumping around and exploring. Make sure there are no cables, small toys, sharp edges or anything else that could harm your rabbit.

2. Make the Cage Space Comfortable for Your Rabbit

When they're tired and feeling lazy, rabbits love to be comfortable. To protect the rabbit's legs from wounds, you can cover the cage with bedding. You can use a thick bedspread, and it can be sawdust, straw or straw. However, do not use carpets to cover the cage, as this can cause an intestinal blockage if your rabbit chews.

3. Consider Cage Hygiene

Buy a litter box for the cage and fill the bottom with non-toxic litter, a layer of newspaper on top, and straw on top. Newspaper absorbs moisture and controls odor. The straw will provide your rabbit with a comfortable and absorbent surface. If you live indoors, you will need to train your rabbit on how to use the litter box.

Remember to remove urine or pellet-covered stains and replace them daily using fresh straw. Thoroughly clean the cage once a week.

4. Place the Right Food and Water Bowls

It is among the materials that should never be forgotten when setting up a rabbit cage. Rabbits need access to fresh, clean water at all times. Sipping drinkers are best, as drinkers can tip over or become soiled with lumps.

The lunch box, on the other hand, should have a heavy and flat bottom so that it doesn't tip over and spill its contents. If you have several rabbits, make sure you have a bowl and an extra bowl for each. Place the bowls around the cage so that no single rabbit can reach them all.

Change the water daily to keep it always fresh. Clean the drinker and food bowls every morning.

5. Put the Toys in the Rabbit's Cage

Once you've set up the cage, it's time to add some toys to keep your furry friend entertained and even encouraged to exercise. You can find a variety of rabbit-safe toys at pet stores, or you can DIY using household items such as cardboard boxes and rolls of paper towels.

When choosing toys for your rabbit, make sure they are safe and durable. Avoid small toy parts that your rabbit could swallow. Get rid of damaged or outdated toys. Rotate your bunny's toys every few days to keep things interesting.

6. Place Items For Your Bunny to Chew

Rabbits have teeth that are constantly growing, and they need to chew something to wear them down. Providing safe and suitable chew toys, such as wooden blocks, straw cubes, and untreated willow twigs, can prevent dental problems and relieve boredom.


Establishing a rabbit hutch is a very important step in ensuring your furry friend lives a happy and healthy life. The cage acts as a shelter where your rabbit will spend most of his time. That's why you need to create a comfortable, safe and motivating living space.

Don't forget to include a litter box, chew toys, and comfy bedding. Also, hygiene is very important; Be sure to keep the cage clean. Replace dirty straw as needed and clean water and food containers daily.

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